mercoledì 28 novembre 2012


Vito Gamberale has taken part in the Ideas Lab set up by CARECS and sponsored by the Fondazione CRA foundation. The Conference, named “Local Public Services, between Public and Private” took place at Palazzo Monferrato in the late evening of November 26th 2012 in Alessandria.

 As the CEO of the F2i fund Fondi Italiani per le infrastrutture –, Vito Gamberale opened his speech with a description of Italy’s infrastructural scenario, with particular reference to the situation in Piedmont, where most of the motorway systems were built between the Fifties and Eighties.

In his speech, Vito Gamberale then examined the scenario regarding Privatisations, making a distinction between privatisations at central level, local level and privatisations today.

In presenting the role of the F2i fund, in terms of investment in infrastructure, Vito Gamberale stressed the importance of financing investments through already existing infrastructures. The infrastructure sector can be extremely profitable and profits can, and at the same time must, finance development. To this end, infrastructures need to have adequate dimensions and must not be fragmented.

By presenting the companies controlled by his Fund, Vito Gamberale illustrated the role of what is also one of the world’s largest funds dedicated to infrastructure investments in a single Country.

At the end of his speech, on the topic of local public services, Vito Gamberale denounced the local, and sometimes even municipal, dimension of a number of asset management companies and suggested starting off an aggregation process for small local entities, with a view to establishing national champions specialised in single services.

In order to do this, Vito Gamberale believes it would be necessary to activate an institutional system of capitalism to provide capital for infrastructure development and finance the establishment of large sector public companies, while ensuring that these are managed independently. The F2i fund is an example of the role trade-off between the State and Private and Local entities; established in 2007, the F2i fund has succeeded in creating a system of interacting infrastructure networks that act as a driver for the Country’s growth.

martedì 13 novembre 2012


CEO Vito Gamberale announced the establishment of a Second Fund on October 2 2012, less than four years after the establishment of the First Fund, the F2i SGR fund.

With an initial capital of €575 million, the Second Fund will continue with the investment strategy the First Fund kicked off in the infrastructure sector in Italy.

Established in January 2007, the First F2i Fund was launched by some of the Country’s main financial institutions, bank organisations and social welfare funds; two years after its foundation, it reached an overall capital of €1,852 million. Currently, the fund has been investing over €1,650 million in eight relevant sector infrastructure enterprises, such as gas distribution, airports, water services, optical fibre, renewable energy and motorways.

The Second F2i Fund has given continuation to the first fund’s strategy, with an aggregation and consolidation process in chosen sectors; its aim is to enter further segments of the Italian infrastructure sector.

With a €1.2 billion placement target, the Second Fund will also be active for no more than fifteen years and has a four-year investment period from the final deadline for purchasing the fund’s shares.

Besides a number of “historic” shareholders of the F2i SGR fund (Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Intesa San Paolo, Unicredit, Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Cassa Geometri e Inarcassa), new shareholders, such as Compagnia di San Paolo, Ente Carifirenze and Fondazione Baco di Sardegna, have also purchased stakes in the fund.

The establishment of the Second F2i Fund confirms Italy’s dynamism and the support offered by a number of Italian financial institutions to projects aimed at consolidating, modernising and developing the Country’s infrastructure system.