initiative, named “Networks for the future – the Infrastructure Government for
Development and Sustainability”, was held at the Via Pola premises of the LUISS
Guido Carli University in Rome on September 28-29; it allowed a debate on the
role of the development of infrastructure networks in the Country’s economic
his speech, Vito Gamberale described some of the difficulties currently
affecting national infrastructure networks and emphasised the industrial role
of the F2i fund as an aggregator in segments that are usually rather fragmented
(water sector, gas distribution and airports). Vito Gamberale retraced the main
steps of the Fund, through to the recent establishment of a Second F2i Fund,
aimed at carrying on the project which began in 2007 with the support of major
national and foreign credit institutions, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, bank
foundations and social welfare funds.
conference participants were:
Carlo Marroni, Moderator – Sole 24 Ore
Claudio Leporelli, Sapienza University of Rome
Alessandro Pansa, Finmccanica
Gian Maria Gros Pietro, LUISS Guido Carli
Vito Gamberale, F2i
Mauro Moretti, Ferrovie dello Stato
Enzo Pontarollo, L’Industria